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PGD clinics

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Reproductive Genetics Institute

Reproductive Genetics Institute is a world-renowned provider of fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), as well as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and prenatal diagnosis. Scientific director and CEO, Dr. Yury Verlinsky, established Reproductive Genetics Institute in 1990. Our staff includes leaders in the fields of infertility, embryology and medical and molecular genetics. Our experience and depth of knowledge in the fields of IVF and PGD, allow us to provide the highest level of accuracy and success to our patients. Our physicians and scientists are internationally recognized experts in their respective fields. For more information regarding our IVF and PGD programs, please visit the Infertility and PGD sections of this website.

We also offer genetic testing during pregnancy or Prenatal Diagnosis. Our high-risk obstetrician, Dr. Norman Ginsberg, is an expert in prenatal diagnosis. He has performed over 19,000 prenatal procedures including over 10,000 chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and over 9,000 amniocentesis procedures. For more information regarding these procedures and Dr. Ginsberg’s experience, please visit our Prenatal section of this website.

As a result of our vast experience and highly trained staff, RGI offers our services to patients around the world. In addition to its Lincoln Park address in Chicago, we have performed over 3,000 IVF procedures in our satellite Centers in Cyprus, St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk (Russia) and Istanbul with affiliate locations in London, Belize and the Czech Republic. The latest addition to the international family of IVF and Reproductive Genetics Clinics is the RGI Center in Belize (Central America) and Istanbul (Turkey)




Reprogenetics LLC is a genetics laboratory specialized in Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). Although the company was created in 2000, its director, Santiago Munné, and team of scientist have been involved in PGD for more than a decade. These scientists have been involved in PGD since 1991, first providing PGD services at Cornell University, and later at Saint Barnabas Medical Center (Livingston, NJ). They decided to create Reprogenetics as a separate PGD service, offering state-of-the-art genetic testing to reproductive medicine programs for their patients during IVF procedures.
Reprogenetics has two reference laboratories in the U.S.A. where IVF centers can send their samples. One is located on the East Coast in West Orange, NJ; the other on the West Coast in San Francisco, CA.

Overseas in Europe we have a laboratory in Barcelona, Spain: wwwreprogeneticsspain.com. And in Asia we have a laboratory in Kobe, Japan: wwwreprogenetics.jp



Huntington Southern California Fertility Clinics

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)  Huntington Reproductive Center



Genesis Genetics Institute

We Partner with IVF Clinics from Around the World to Build Healthy Families

We are the PGD laboratory of choice for many of the most respected IVF clinics in the world. They partner with Genesis Genetics Institute for several reasons. We have the most experience with complicated cases and are best suited for developing probes for mutations not previously tested. In addition, we treat each family with compassion and give them quality one-on-one attention.

For these reasons, whether the case is complicated or straight forward, our team is their first choice.



Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis PGD Programs

This web page contains a list of infertility clinics that provide Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, otherwise referred to as PGD.



список всех российских репродуктивных центров, по городам.

http://www.rahr.ru/main.php?nf=8_1& … mp;wh=2005


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